Our Visitors/ Vendégeink:
from the school :

Official visits
Working days
Detailed programme of the mobility period: From 4th May April – 12th May 2015
Arrival to the airport at 8 pm and transfer to Hotel Báder in Bicske
Welcome by the coordinator of the project and talk about the program of the week.
Monday, 4th May
Morning: Relaxing after the long journey
11:30 Meeting the coordinator and visiting Building 2.
11:45 Meeting and welcome by the school's headmaster
11:50 - 12:35 English lesson with class 8d, teacher: Éva Pató Csabáné Szebényi (6 teachers)
13:00 - 13:45 Special needs class 6e, teacher: Erzsébet Magosiné Váradi (6 teachers)
13:50 Lunch at school
14:30 Walking in town
Tuesday, 5th May
7:30- 9:00 Arrival at School: Welcome by the deputy headmistress Gáborné Bogán and get
to know the newer building of the host institution. Walking tour around school guided
by the coordinator. Walking to the older building of the host school.
9:20 – 9:45 Meeting with the deputy headmistress, Rozália Végh and get to know the older
building of the host institution.
10:00 – 10:45 Special needs class 4a, teacher: Erzsébet Magosiné Váradi (6 teachers)
10:55 – 11:40 Visit the older building and some snack.
11:50-12:35 Special needs class 2c, teacher: Erzsébet Magosiné Váradi (6 teachers)
12:40-13:20 Special needs class 3c, teacher: Erika Ulrich (6 teachers)
13:30 Lunch break (At building Number 1.)
14:10 Walking to building Number 2.
14:30 Meeting with staff: Presentation on Portugal, Portuguese education system
and the sending school. An opportunity to get to know Hungarian colleagues
afternoon Walking tour in Bicske, center and surroundings
Wednesday, 6th May
Building 1:
8:00 – 8:45 Special needs class 2c, teacher: Erika Ulrich (3 teachers)
9.00 – 9:45 Special needs class 3d, teacher: Olga Kozma (3 teachers)
10:00-10:45 Special needs class 2c, teacher: Erika Ulrich (3 teachers)
10:55-11:40 Special needs class 2b, teacher: Olga Kozma (3 teachers)
11:50-12:35 Special needs class 4b, teacher: Erika Ulrich (3 teachers)
Building 2:
8:45 Arrival at school
9:00 - 9:45 Special needs class 6f, teacher: Ilona Földesi (3 teachers)
10:00-10:45 Special needs class 6d, teacher: Ilona Földesi (3 teachers)
10:55-11:40 Special needs class 5ae, teacher: Ilona Földesi (3 teachers)
11:50-12:35 English lesson with class 5e, teacher: Renáta Ivanics (3 teachers)
13:00-13:45 Lunch break
15:00 Meeting with the mayor of the town
20.00 Dinner with some teachers and headmaster
Thursday, 7th May
Building 1:
8:00 – 8:45 Special needs class 2d, teacher: Erika Ulrich (3 teachers)
9.00 – 9:45 Special needs class 4c, teacher: Erzsébet Magosiné Váradi (3 teachers)
break During the break some snack and chat with colleagues
11:50-12:35 Special needs class 2d, teacher: Erzsébet Magosiné Váradi (3 teachers)
Building 2:
8:00-8:45 Special needs class 7d, teacher: Ilona Földesi (3 teachers)
9:00-9:45 Special needs class 5e, teacher: Ilona Földesi (3 teachers)
10:55-11:40 Special needs class 6e, teacher: Ilona Földesi (3 teachers)
11:50-12:35 English lesson with class 5e, teacher: Renáta Ivanics (3 teachers)
13:00-13:45 Special needs class 8f, teacher: Ilona Földesi (3 teachers)
13:45 Lunch break
14:15 Official welcome and meeting with the headmaster of the school
Friday, 8th May
Building 2:
8:00-8:45 Special needs class 8a/8d, teacher: Ilona Földesi (6 teachers)
8:45 Walking to building 1.
Building 1:
10:00-10:45 Special needs class 2a, teacher: Erzsébet Magosiné Váradi (6 teachers)
11:50-12:35 Special needs class 4d, teacher: Olga Kozma (6 teachers)
13:45 Lunch break
afternoon Discussion with teachers about the experience of the visit, evaluate job shadowing.
Saturday, 9th May
Free day for cultural activities, visiting famous towns, sights in Hungary (Lake Balaton and surroundings)
Sunday, 10th May
Free day for cultural activities, visiting Hungarian capital city: Budapest
Monday, 11th May
Building 1:
8:00 – 8:45 Special needs class 3a, teacher: Erzsébet Magosiné Váradi (3 teachers)
9.00 – 9:45 Special needs class 4c, teacher: Erzsébet Magosiné Váradi (3 teachers)
10:00-10:45 Special needs class 2b, teacher: Olga Kozma (3 teachers)
Building 2:
8:00-8:45 Special needs class 6d, teacher: Ilona Földesi (3 teachers)
10:00-10:45 Special needs class 7d, teacher: Ilona Földesi (3 teachers)
10:55-11:40 Special needs class 7a/7f, teacher: Ilona Földesi (3 teachers)
11:50-12:35 Special needs class 6e, teacher: Ilona Földesi (3 teachers)
13:45 Lunch break
afternoon Certificates
evening Farewell dinner with the coordinator, Headmaster and teacher colleagues
Tuesday 12th May
transfer to Budapest airport at 1:00 am